Component 23 – 2


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The annual National Craft Championships (NCC) brings together the best craft trainees from across the country to show off their skills and compete in one of thirteen crafts. At the end of the week, 13 of the competitors will be walking away with a gold medal around their necks and a cash prize in their pocket—showing that your training program produces truly the best and most-skilled craft professionals. 

Here are three reasons you want your employees competing: 

It will benefit your bottom line
When your employees compete in NCC, it’s showing the industry that your company is committed to developing some of the best skilled craft workers in the country. Being known as a company who is dedicated to their employees and producing the best work possible will inevitably draw the best of the best to want to work for you. 

It will make your employees better at their jobs
The craft trainees that compete in the NCC walk away with a different kind of real-world experience that not everyone has the opportunity to receive. They are able to see what others in their fields are doing in different parts of the country and learn from each other. This sets them apart among their peers and encourages them to always give 100% of their effort.  Past competitors share how it’s helped them in the video below

It’s an once-in-a-lifetime experience
The pride that fills the room when the competitors are anxiously waiting to begin their two-day competition is palpable. They are nervous, they are excited and they are determined. The week is full of events that give them the chance to grow their careers, but the competition also reminds the competitors why most of them chose a career in construction—because they love what they do.

 Claim your spot at the 2015 National Craft Championships and send one of your apprentices or trainees to compete March 3-6, 2015, in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., by form by Dec. 1. For more information, visit .  
