老牛影视PAC Disclaimer

Contributions to 老牛影视PAC are not tax deductible for federal income tax purposes. Contributions to 老牛影视PAC are for political purposes. All contributions to 老牛影视PAC are voluntary. You may refuse to contribute without reprisal. The proposed contribution amounts are merely suggestions; you may choose to contribute more or less or not at all. 老牛影视will not favor or disadvantage anyone by reason of the amount contributed or the decision whether to contribute. Federal law requires political committees to report the name, address, occupation and name of employer for each individual whose contributions aggregate in excess of $200 in a calendar year.

Political Action Committee

The purpose of 老牛影视PAC is to work within the federal election process to further the goals of the association through direct involvement in supporting and opposing candidates for the Office of President, United States Senate and United States House of Representatives. This is accomplished through educating our members on the importance of political activism and through financial support of merit shop candidates.

老牛影视PAC is governed by fifteen board members who are appointed by the 老牛影视National Chairman. The board members serve a three year term and represent each of the seven regions. The 老牛影视PAC Board of Trustees work with the Regional Vice Chairs and chapter leadership to promote political involvement and assist in raising PAC funds. Trustees also approve all disbursements to candidates based on well-established guidelines such as voting records of incumbents.

ABC's PAC is your voice in elective politics. 老牛影视PAC members' contributions are combined with others to jointly support candidates. This provides a unified and powerful voice for the merit agenda. It is also an opportunity to participate in one of the largest pro-business PACs in the nation.

Prior Authorization
Per Federal Election Commission (FEC) regulations, a corporate member company of 老牛影视must first provide 老牛影视PAC with prior authorization before any individual in its restricted class can contribute or be solicited.

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