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Seven out of 10voters are concerned about repealing state right-to-work protections for workers and forcing them to pay union dues or risk losing their job, according to a released on June 30 by the ABC-led Coalition for a Democratic Workplace. Other provisions of the Protecting the Right to Organize Act were also unpopular with the majority of voters surveyed:

•Three out of four voters are concerned about requiring employers to turn over employees’ personal information to union organizers without the consent of the employee.
• Seven out of 10 voters are concerned the PRO Act limits the ability of individuals to work as independent contractors.
•57% of voters believe that Americans should not be forced to join a union as a condition of employment.
• 67% of voters are concerned about eliminating ‘secret ballot’ union elections.
• Nearly seven out of 10 (65%) voters are concerned about upending the franchise business model, turning existing owners of franchises into employees of their brand and reducing new franchise ownership opportunities.
• Only 34% of U.S. voters think unions should have more influence.

“Voters across the country are clearly concerned about the PRO Act’s negative impact on workers and small businesses,” said Kristen Swearingen, ABC’s vice president of legislative & political affairs and chair of the Coalition for a Democratic Workplace. “From taking away independent contracting jobs from moms working at home to stripping vital privacy protections from all Americans to forcing workers to pay union dues as a condition of employment, the PRO Act would radically change our country’s labor laws and lead to a significant regression in our recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.”

The national survey of 1,006 registered voters was conducted by Forbes Tate Partners, a bipartisan government affairs and research firm, from May 25 through June 2, 2021.

Learn more about the results of this survey, including breakdowns by intensity and party affiliation, at
