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Goal Setting:

Business goals focus an organization on what is important. Goals drive attitude, action and accountability. The same is true for safety goals focused on leading indicators instead of a generalized statement such as “reduce the incident rate by 10%.” Ensuring the workforce is aware of the goal, sees their role and understands why it is important and how it will be measured multiplies the impact. The resources to achieve the goal must be readily available, and the workforce must be supported in the journey to attain the goal. ABC’s STEP Safety Management System helps you craft and measure these goals.

Recordkeeping and Documentation:

A timely key component of the STEP Safety Management System is recordkeeping and documentation. An effective health and safety program prevents injuries and illnesses and includes an appropriate and prompt response if an injury or illness does occur, including documentation and OSHA recordkeeping. Final verification and certification of the OSHA Form 300A is performed each year in January, and it can be posted from Feb. 1 through April 30.

Four Helpful Tips for Submitting OSHA Incident Data:

  • Some common errors to avoid in data submission include improper hour count, multiple classification of the same incident and recording cases that are first aid. Be sure your data is correct.
  • OSHA requires all hours worked by each employee of a company, including overtime hours for field staff and hours from all office staff when recording hours.
  • On the OSHA Form 300 log, there can only be one check mark in columns “G” through “I” to classify the incident as only one of the following: death; days away from work; job transfer or restriction; or other recordable case. Only the one that is most severe is checked. For example, if an incident involves both days away from work and restriction, there would be a check in only the “days away from work” column.
  • The OSHA Form 300 is designed to collect statistics on injuries that are greater than first aid, so it is important to understand their definition. For help on the OSHA Form 300,  

Learn more about ABC's STEP Safety Management System and other health and safety topics at .

For more information or assistance, please reach out to:

Joe Xavier
Senior Director, Health and Safety

Aaron Braun
Manager of Safety Programs and Initiatives
