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In his new book, “The Case against the Davis-Bacon Act: 54 Reasons for Repeal,” author Armand J. Thieblot documents several major reasons the Davis-Bacon Act should be repealed, in addition to cost savings.  

In the book, Thieblot takes a closer look at the history, purposes and the administration of prevailing wage laws and shows that the Davis-Bacon Act is based on flawed economic logic and was passed under false pretenses, yet continues to grow.  

Thieblot calls for the repeal of the act after summarizing the direct and indirect costs caused by the act and evaluating the economic impact it has inflicted on the construction industry for eight decades. With his 54 reasons, Thieblot explains that repealing the act would greatly benefit the struggling construction industry and why anything less would not be effective.  

Thieblot is director of the Olin Institute book program and a member of the institute’s board. He has written extensively on the Davis-Bacon Act and other prevailing wage laws, the construction industry, union violence, union corruption, and unionism in the public sector. He is the author or co-author of eleven books and of numerous articles, especially in the Journal of Labor Research.  

“The Case against the Davis-Bacon Act: 54 Reasons for Repeal,” won’t be published for distribution until early 2013, but a limited number of advance copies are available for $41.00, including shipping and handling, on a first come, first served basis. To purchase an advance copy of the book, email [email protected].  
