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The U.S. House of Representatives passed ABC-supported legislation to mitigate the impact of certain costly and burdensome regulations on Sept. 21. The Require Evaluation before Implementing Executive Wishlists (REVIEW) Act of 2016 () passed by a bipartisan vote of . The bill was introduced by Regulatory Reform, Commercial and Antitrust Law Subcommittee Chairman Tom Marino (R-Pa.) and cosponsored by House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.).

The amends the Administrative Procedure Act to establish:

  • a definition for “high-impact rules”—those costing $1 billion or more annually; and,
  • an automatic administrative stay of all “high-impact rules” pending final judicial review if a legal challenge is filed within 60 days of the rules’ issuance or the time otherwise prescribed to seek judicial review.
Ahead of the markup, ABC, along with a multi-industry coalition of over 175 associations and chambers from across the country, sent a letter in support of the REVIEW ACT. The group explained, “Our members believe that for the biggest, most burdensome regulations issued each year, agencies should have to bear the risk that a court will subsequently strike down their rules…Businesses should not be forced to gamble that when they commit their resources to comply with a multi-billion-dollar rule, the rule will subsequently be struck down and their resources totally wasted.”

The bill now awaits action from the U.S. Senate.
