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President Trump recently signed the Honoring Investments in Recruiting and Employing American Military Veterans Act of 2017, or , which directsthe U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) to establish the HIRE Vets Medallion Program. The goal of the program is to reward employers who hire veterans and who support the veteran community.

“Veterans give an incredible gift to this country, and that giving doesn’t stop when they leave the military,” said U.S.
Secretary of Labor Alexander Acosta. “From technical know-how to leadership skills honed on the battlefield, veterans have a wide range of abilities that make them tremendous assets for the American economy and for any employer.”

DOL will establish award levels including the Gold HIRE Vets Medallion Award and Platinum HIRE Vets Medallion Award for large employers. It will also create similar awards for small and mid-sized employers. Criteria for receiving these awards include the percentage of employees who are veterans; percentage of veteran employees who are retained; establishment of veterans' assistance and training programs; employment of dedicated human resources professionals for veterans; and income and tuition support for veterans.

DOL will also solicit, verify, and review award applications from employers on an annual basis. Awards will be presented in celebration of Veterans Day.
