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The presents a detailed analysis of key operating data from the construction industry. The report, based on confidential surveys completed by 869 companies in early 2016, showed an increase in return on assets (ROA), return on equity (ROE), average days in accounts receivable, gross profits and net income and a decline in average days in accounts payable.

The 2016 CFMA Financial Benchmarker Report includes the compilation and analysis of financial and operations data segmented by industry, revenue, geographic region, and Best in Class performers. The report is published annually and is available at .

Key findings from 2015 data included: 

  • A rise in ROA, which was 9 percent, up from 6.9 percent in 2014 and 6.2% in 2013
  • An increase in ROE to 25.3 percent compared to 19 percent in 2014 and 17.3 percent in 2013.
  • An increase in average days in accounts receivable jumped to 55.2, compared with 53.8 and 51.4 in 2014 and 2013
  • A decline in average days in accounts payable to 33.4, from 35.6 days in 2014.
  • An increase in gross profits to 15 percent from 13.1 percent in 2014
  • An increase in net income to 4.4 percent from 3.1 percent in 2014
The following table provides a detailed look at key ratios for all responding companies and companies by total revenue.

CFMA’s Financial Benchmarker Report is been designed to provide easy-to-understand guidelines for identifying business performance improvement opportunities. The online tool allows users to compare their companies’ financial performance with the Annual Financial Survey Online Questionnaire results. With flexibility in selecting benchmarks and easy data entry, the financial results include graphic presentations of key financial data. Data is segmented by:
  • Industry: Industrial & Nonresidential, Heavy & Highway, and Specialty Trade
  • Revenue: Under $10 Million, $10 - $25 Million, $25-$50 Million, $50 - $100 Million, $100 - $300 Million, Over $300 Million
  • U.S. Geographic Region: Northeast, Southeast, Midwest, Southwest, West, and Far West
  • Best in Class: top 25% of companies based on a composite ranking of key financial ratios
For more information on CFMA’s Construction Financial Benchmarker, including pricing for performing a peer group report, contact Brian Summers, CFMA’s vice president, content strategy and education.

CFMA is an organization dedicated to bringing together construction financial professionals and those partners serving their unique needs. Founded in 1981, CFMA is the only organization dedicated to providing construction financial professionals with unparalleled career development and networking opportunities.
