Component 23 – 2


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ÀÏÅ£Ó°ÊÓmembers that attend the 2013 BizCon in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., will hear from panelists who will address issues such as which sectors and geographic regions are likely to expand, and upcoming industry trends, including public-private partnerships (P3s).

BizCon’s keynote speakers, political analyst Karl Rove, author Patrick Lencioni and economists Anirban Basu and Arthur Laffer, will offer attendees a macro-level view of the political, economic and business environments affecting the construction industry. 

Panel discussions will then help attendees dive deeper into the specific effects these environments will have on:

Trends in Major Land Development: Where the major development activities will be happening in the United States over the next four years and why.

Expectations from Major Construction Users: How the recent presidential election will impact construction users’ real estate and capital improvement plans.

Real Estate Finance and Investment: How the regulatory environment and pending agenda of the new administration will impact real estate investment and construction financing.

Real Estate Development: What concerns real estate developers and how the construction industry can help alleviate those concerns.

P3s: Why, how and where construction firms should participate in P3s, whether on the local, state or federal level.

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