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ÀÏÅ£Ó°ÊÓof Michigan May 28 announced its intention to carefully review and appeal the decision made by the Michigan Court of Appeals to reinstate Lansing’s prevailing wage ordinance. ÀÏÅ£Ó°ÊÓof Michigan originally challenged the mandate in 2012.

The Lansing ordinance at hand would require taxpayers to pay artificially high wages on construction projects funded by the city, leading to higher overall costs.

“Michigan citizens deserve to have their tax dollars spent wisely, rather than squandered on regulations that hinder job creation.”

ÀÏÅ£Ó°ÊÓof Michigan points out that there are several other ordinances across Michigan that create inconsistent wage rates and rules among different areas of the state. Because of that uncertainty, ÀÏÅ£Ó°ÊÓdoes not believe that the local governments should have the authority to impose such prevailing wage requirements.

“We believe a solid case can now be made for this issue to be settled by the Michigan Supreme Court in light of conflicting court decisions around the state, including two conflicting decisions by the Court of Appeals itself,” added Fisher.
