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ÀÏÅ£Ó°ÊÓis the voice of the merit shop on Capitol Hill! Sending letters to Congress allows ÀÏÅ£Ó°ÊÓto publicly advocate for the views and interests of our more than 23,000 members. By corresponding with U.S. House of Representatives and Senate members, ÀÏÅ£Ó°ÊÓpromotes fair and open competition in the construction industry and fights to protect merit shop contractors around the country.

On Jan. 31, the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee held a on several ABC-supported bills focused on permitting reform and increasing Clean Water Act efficiency. Ahead of the markup, ÀÏÅ£Ó°ÊÓsent a letter in support of H.R. 7023, which was comprised of the five bills below, and joined members of the Waters Advocacy Coalition in a letter encouraging the full committee to report the bills favorably to the full House. This legislation passed the committee by a and is seen as the 118th Congress’ next step in securing permitting reform wins, some of which were achieved in last year’s Fiscal Responsibility Act. ÀÏÅ£Ó°ÊÓbelieves the Committee approved bill will streamline the process for permit seekers and holders, as well as provide greater clarity for permitting agencies while eliminating unnecessary delays that can cause budget overruns in construction.

  • seeks to codify longstanding interpretations and practices concerning Nationwide Permits, offering clarity on several contentious areas within the established process. This bill proposes extending the reissuance period for general permit holders from five to 10 years. It also specifies that only categories falling under the Clean Water Act’s Section 404 authority are considered when issuing NWPs.
  • aims to restrict the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency from preemptively vetoing a Clean Water Act Section 404 dredge and fill permit or revoking it after Corps approval without due process. Under this act, the EPA’s veto authority is constrained to the period while a permit application is pending through the standard permitting process, aligning with the original intent of the CWA.
  • intends to establish a more transparent procedure for EPA's development of water quality criteria, crucial for NPDES permits. This bill seeks to enhance public participation and introduce limited judicial review, ensuring stakeholders have a voice in the process and water quality standards are adequately protected.
  • proposes reasonable timelines for judicial review of Clean Water Act Section 404 permits, fostering efficiency in project authorization. It mandates that any lawsuit challenging a Section 404 permit must be filed within 60 days of issuance and sets deadlines for compliance in case of remand by the court.
  • aims to ensure that permits only include clear, objective limits on pollutants or water conditions. It also reinforces the principle that permit holders are shielded from liability as long as they adhere to the terms of their NPDES permits and provide relevant information during the application process.