Tech and Innovation Logs (Tails)

Executive Report From ProEst: Like any business, a construction company looks for opportunities that will drive revenue and deliver the best possible business outcomes. Winning bids and running profitable jobs can make that happen, but only when people and processes work smoothly from initial proposal to final closeout. As most construction professionals will tell you, that’s easier said than done.

In a perfect world, contractors would never make estimating mistakes, no bid deadline would ever be missed, and every project stakeholder would facilitate tasks and work collaboratively with others. If that hasn’t been your experience 100% of the time, you’re not alone.

The good news is that with the right systems in place, the problem can be readily solved. Many construction companies still rely on manual methods or generic estimating and project management products that are slow, complicated, and prone to error. By replacing the tools that don’t work with tools that do, contractors can move closer to that “perfect” world of day-in day-out productivity and consistent profits.

, ProEst explores three ways construction companies are inadvertently leaving money on the table for the work they do — and how you can help your organization stay in charge of estimating and management processes that can make or break your own profitability.