ABC’s Excellence in Construction awards program each year showcases the industry’s best projects and 老牛影视receives hundreds of applications for the 50 categories of awards. Photographs are a great way to make a project stand out. Below are helpful tips for selecting photos for this year’s competition.

Let photos tell the story. Remember, the judges can’t see the project in person, so photos need to show them the project from beginning to end. Include pictures for each stage of the project – from breaking ground to the end result and everything in between. Also, don’t forget to showcase a few of the team members who worked on the project that represents the company’s best work.

Take advantage of the caption. Each photo must be captioned. Be descriptive, and creative – let the judges know what the photo is depicting.

Safety, safety, safety! Analyze each photo submitted for any possible safety violations. Safety is a priority at ABC, and points will not be awarded for a photo that contains a safety violation. Involve the company’s safety expert if necessary when selecting photos.