Creating a successful entry

ABC’sÌýExcellence in Construction (EIC) awards program is the industry’s premierÌýcompetition, with hundreds of projects vying to be named the best in theÌýcountry in up to 50 categories.

ForÌýmembers who are preparing their submissions for this year’s competition, belowÌýare some tips to achieve a higher score:

The scope defines the project. It is alsoÌýthe first thing the judges read. Be sure to include all the items outlined inÌýthe application. A clean page layout increases readability, and using bulletsÌýallows the judges to easily learn about your project. Samples from winningÌýprojects can be seen atÌýÌýÌý

The narrative tells the story. Worth almostÌýa third of the total point value, the narrative should be the highlight of theÌýapplication. This is where applicants can brag about why a project is special.ÌýObstacles that were overcome and explanations of extenuating circumstancesÌýshould be communicated clearly and succinctly. Winning projects typically useÌýcreative subheads and a few small photos to capture the judges’ attention. Be sure to use all four pages to demonstrate why your project is deserving of an EIC award.

SafetyÌýis always a priority. Be sure to include the information requested in thisÌýsection of the application, but also take the opportunity to describeÌýinnovative safety programs that were utilized during the project.

ManyÌýtimes the difference between winning an Eagle or Pyramid award is a singleÌýpoint, and the overall presentation canÌýbe the easiest area in which to earn more points. Applicants should be sure toÌýinclude all the items listed in the application and review the materialsÌýcarefully to ensure they comply with the national criteria before submitting.ÌýCreativity allows projects to stand out, but be careful not to lose focus onÌýthe criteria.Ìý

InÌýaddition to ensuring the font design and size is legible, be sure your writingÌýis free of grammatical errors, spelling mistakes and other typographical errors.ÌýUploading PDF documents affords you the comfort that the judges see theÌýdocument exactly as it appears to you.Ìý

RememberÌýbecause the judges are not able to visit your project site in person, your photographs are very important to yourÌýentry’s success. Select the bestÌýphotographs of your project and be sure each one has been reviewed by a safetyÌýexpert to avoid a safety violation. It is important to include photographs thatÌýdemonstrate progress (i.e. before and after) and include a clear and conciseÌýdescription of everything captured in the photograph, including relevantÌýinformation related to the project narrative.

Take advantage of all possible points! Participating in ABC's Safety Training Evaluation Process (STEP) and achieving the Accredited Quality Contractor (AQC) credential will also earn two additional points per program. Both programs include an application process so be sure to get an early start. There is also a Supplemental Materials section to earn a few extra points. Everything adds up!

And remember - it's best toÌýget an early start! See below for helpful steps as you prepare for a submission:
  • ReferenceÌýletters are required—request those letters sooner than later! Getting aÌýreference letter from your owner during the holiday season may proveÌýimpossible.
  • Ensure that all man-hours are recorded throughout the project, including for anyÌýsubcontractors you’ve hired.
  • Take high-quality photographs along the wayÌýso you can document the project in progress, in addition to those perfect shotsÌýof the final product.
  • GatherÌýyour OSHA 300 and 300A forms forÌýall years the project was under construction.
  • MaintainÌýa comprehensive list of allÌýsubcontractors on the project and identify which are fellow ÀÏÅ£Ó°ÊÓmembers.
  • Take advantage of all points available – apply for STEP and AQC! VisitÌý and for more information.
  • Mail yourÌýpayment early! You don’t want to put all that work into an application andÌýthen miss the payment deadline.
Good luck!