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Construction jobsites in Washington, D.C., stopped work at midday on Thursday, May 5 so that workers could attend a special Safety Week event, the Ballpark Grand Slam for Safety at Nationals Park. Workers made their way to the stadium for safety and equipment demonstrations and exhibits, a Stretch and Flex exercise, subcontractor safety awards, remarks by OSHA's Acting Director, of the Directorate of Construction and lunch. The event was sponsored by ÀÏÅ£Ó°ÊÓ-a Safety Week partner, major general contractors, insurers and Associated General Contractors. 

In conjunction with Safety Week, ÀÏÅ£Ó°ÊÓlaunched its 2016 Safety Performance Report. The report documents how proactive practices’ can reduce recordable incidents up to 86 percent, making the best-performing builders and contractors 700-plus percent safer than the industry average. 
