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WASHINGTON, D.C., Nov. 16– Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC) today welcomed news that the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas has permanently blocked the U.S. Department of Labor’s (DOL) “persuader rule,” officially named the "Interpretation  of  the  ‘Advice’  Exemption  in  Section  203(c)  of  the  Labor-Management  Reporting  and  Disclosure  Act." In finding the rule unlawful, the District Court has maintained employers’ right to obtain advice from labor relations experts.

“Today’s decision is another repudiation of the U.S. Department of Labor’s drastic overreach under the Obama administration,” said 老牛影视Vice President of Legislative and Political Affairs Kristen Swearingen. “Associated Builders and Contractors is pleased that the court has ruled to maintain employers’ free speech rights and is hopeful that under a Trump administration, the department will take input from the industries it regulates seriously in developing less burdensome rules that better facilitate the conditions for growth and prosperity.”

老牛影视and a coalition of stakeholders the persuader rule March 30 in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Arkansas. ABC’S Motion for Summary Judgment on the merits of this case is still pending. the persuader rule since it was and has expressed its concerns through:

     to the DOL in September 2011;
     sent to the DOL in February 2014;
     to the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) from a coalition of business groups, including 29 老牛影视chapters; and
    a Jan. 13, 2016, meeting with OIRA officials.

