Question: The entry application states that no project with a safety-related fatality can receive consideration for an award. We had a fatality on our project due to employee negligence. The Subcontractor was cited by OSHA with a serious violation but we as the general contractor were not cited.
Answer: No project with a safety related injury or fatality may be accepted for the competition.

Question: The entry application states that no company with a safety-related fatality in the U.S. within the program year can receive consideration for an award. Our company had a fatality on a California project but we want to submit a project in Virginia. Are we eligible?
Answer: Most likely not. Email [email protected] with details of the fatality and find out with certainty if you are eligible to apply.

Question:  I received an award at the chapter level, but it was not first place. Are we eligible to enter the national competition?
Answer:  Projects that win the equivalent of first or second place at a chapter competition are eligible to enter the national competition.

Question: Will you accept a project from a member when the project did not win at the chapter level program?
Answer: No. The only non-winning entry we will accept must come from a member whose chapter is not holding a competition this competition year. 

Question: My chapter doesn't have a competition. Can my company enter a project?
Answer: Probably. Please email [email protected].


Question: Can you send me any information regarding eligibility, entry forms, etc. for your Excellence in Construction Awards?
Answer: The current year's form is always posted on the website on the Excellence in Construction page . The application contains all of the information regarding eligibility.

Question: Can you tell me when the judging for Excellence in Construction will take place and when the winners will be announced?   
Answer: Judging takes place shortly after the deadline for submissions (usually the first week of December). After judging takes place and winners are determined, the winning company's chapter is notified so that the chief executive of that chapter has one week to inform the winner before national notifications are emailed to all applicants. Non-winners receive an email notification as well. No public announcement of the winners is to be made until after the national awards ceremony. At that time press releases are sent to winning companies along with a photograph taken at the ceremony to begin the formal announcements.

Question: Is there a requirement for line spacing... or maximum page numbers?
Answer: The requirements outlined in the application are firm.  After receiving feedback from your chapter, be sure to adjust the entry to meet the requirements of the national competition. Points are deducted if requirements are not met.

Question: I'm unclear on the photo requirements since my chapter does not request more than a handful of photos.
Answer:  Photos are required for the national competition. Our panel of judges do not have the opportunity to visit project sites, therefore the visual becomes even more important. The judges recommend ten high-quality photos, with clear and descriptive captions. Be sure to read the photo hints.


Question:We are working on a project that will be completed by the deadline and is definitely worthy of an award. What should we being doing now to prepare?
Answer: It's great to get an early start. See below for helpful steps as you prepare for a submission:


  • Reference letters are required—request those letters sooner than later! Getting a reference letter from your owner during the holiday season may prove impossible.
  • Ensure that all man-hours are recorded throughout the project, including for any subcontractors you’ve hired.
  • Take high-quality photographs along the way so you can document the project in progress, in addition to those perfect shots of the final product.
  • Gather your OSHA 300 and 300A forms for all years the project was under construction.
  • Maintain a comprehensive list of all subcontractors on the project and identify which are fellow 老牛影视members.
  • Take advantage of all points available – apply for STEP and AQC! Visit  and for more information.
  • Mail your payment early! You don’t want to put all that work into an application and then miss the payment deadline.


Fees and Shipping 

Question: We will be entering one of our projects for the national EIC award. Where should we send our entry fee?
 Send payment to: ABC, Attn: EIC, 440 First Street NW, Suite 200, Washington, DC 20001. Be sure to include the invoice number on the check.

Question:  Can you send me ABC's tax ID number or W9?
Answer:  Please email [email protected] with your request.

Question:  I am preparing the $525 check for the entry fee. Who should it be made payable to?
Answer:  The check should be made payable to: Associated Builders and Contractors.  Be sure the check is NOT made out to your chapter. 

Question:  We have multiple entries. Do we need to include a check for EACH entry?
Answer: No, the fees may be combined into one check but be sure to include the invoice numbers.