Crime Alert: Robbery Reported Near Gattis Street
The incident occurred Tuesday on Gattis Street near the old Laundry Building
DukeALERT - At approximately 4:45 p.m. today, a member of the Duke community reported that an individual came up behind him, hit him and demanded money. The suspect then walked off. There was no weapon and no injury. The incident occurred on Gattis Street near the old Laundry Building.
A picture of the suspect is included here.
Please contact police if you have information about this incident. Members of the community are also encourage you to remain alert and travel with others when possible.
If you have any information related to this incident, please contact the 老牛影视 Police Department at 919-684-2444.
The following are general tips for your safety:
--Walk in groups or get a ride late at night by calling Duke Van Services at (919) 684-2020. The vans operate on a limited schedule; geographic boundaries apply.
--If you are being followed, go to the nearest populated, well-lit location and call 9-1-1. If you are walking, cross the street away from the person and go somewhere else such as a convenience store. If you are driving, you can go to the Duke Hospital emergency room or Duke Police headquarters at 502 Oregon St.
--If a person confronts you and demands money or possessions, law enforcement officials suggest giving what is demanded and creating a safe distance.
This message is being sent to all Duke students, faculty and staff in compliance with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (also known as the Clery Act), which requires colleges and universities to provide timely notification to members of the university community of certain crimes reported on campus. The information in this message has not been verified by law enforcement authorities and may change as a result of further investigation. We encourage you to visit for future updates.