'Living While Black,' a University-Wide Symposium Set for Tuesday
In recognition of Duke’s own difficult history with issues of race and a desire to reflect on the current moment, we must consider ways to address systemic racism and inequities in society, and very importantly, at our own institution. We are committed to action and accountability and understand that this is the only way to move forward.
We would like to invite you to a special online event, Living While Black, that will bring together a distinguished group of speakers from our Black community at Duke: students, staff and faculty. The event will amplify the lived experiences of the Black members of our community through presentations by our Black faculty scholars on the background, dimensions, and impact of racism and racist policies and structures. We will also hear personal perspectives and insights from members of the student and staff communities. Importantly, we will also have an opportunity to discuss actionable steps that the institution will take to move forward.
Living While Black is jointly organized by the Office of the Vice Provost for Faculty Advancement and the Office for Institutional Equity, with leadership by Associate Vice Provost for Faculty Advancement Dr. Sherilynn Black. The event will take place on Tuesday, June 16, from 9:00 a.m – 3:30 pm. A detailed schedule and log-in information will be available later this week.
We look forward to this unique opportunity, as a first step, to fully engage all members of our community to consider new ways to advance Duke’s goals towards achieving racial justice and equity.
Vincent E. Price
Sally Kornbluth
Kimberly Hewitt
Vice President for Institutional Equity
Chief Diversity Officer
Abbas Benmamoun
Vice Provost for Faculty Advancement